Monday, February 2, 2009

The Beginning...

Ok, here I go, jumping in feet first, holding my nose, hoping I’ll survive and not drown………..

In this thematic year of “Around the World in 180 Days” technology has been the main focus of our learning here at Chets Creek Elementary School. Wikis, blogs, twittering, the ning, all of it is zooming past this 55 year old guidance counselor at mach speed. I sit in leadership meetings feeling like I am in the baby pool just sticking my little toe in the water while everyone else is easily swimming the Atlantic Ocean of technology. I love the ocean and have finally decided it is my time to join and jump in. After all, I do the polar plunge on New Year’s Day every year-how much harder could this be?

I have been thinking about my own blog for months now. I wanted to start at Thanksgiving and write about the amazing blessings that start to encompass our campus at this time of year. The wonderful women at Jacksonville Golf and Country Club collect food and put together Thanksgiving dinner baskets for some of our most precious families. Every year their donations increase and more lives are touched through their generosity. Yet, I could not quite get started…

This spirit of giving continued on through Christmas as our students brought in over 1,000 canned goods and numerous toys. Many of our own families were the recipients of these donations as well as the community organizations of BEAM and Connections. Blessings came back to the giver as our business partner, BJ’s donated $1,000 to the school for the 1,000 cans we collected. The true meaning of the holiday was certainly celebrated at Chets Creek. Surely a guidance counselor could blog about this. Still I hesitated...

The perfect New Year’s Resolution…start my own blog post. January is the time to think about renewal and taking on new challenges. For the first time our principal sent out her end of the year survey in December. She asked for our reflections on the first half of the school year and for our goals for the last half of the year. I bravely wrote down, starting that blog, but you know what they say about good intentions...

Here it is February and still I have not made any progress. Is it fear of commitment? Having to write and post information periodically? Is it intimidation from all of my cohorts that are excellent writers and post weekly blogs that are read around the world? Could it be that I feel like I have nothing so worthy to write that anyone else would want to read? Perhaps…

What is so different about today? It’s the baby steps I have taken so far with a big push from the geek goddess here, Melanie Holtsman. First she helped me set up a Google account so I could read other blogs. This was soon followed by the creation of my very own iGoogle page. Then it was topped off with 70 Face book friends and a new addiction. All of this easily accomplished by the person who cannot even operate her boyfriend’s TV remote control. So now I am finally ready to dive into the world of blogging. Here I come….

SPLASH! Bits of Betsy is born!


Ms. Sadler said...

Great start! Welcome to the world of blogging.

Melanie Holtsman said...

BETSY!!!!!! You are an amazing writer! You wrote this post in a few minutes??? If I had known this I would have bugged you much sooner!

I am so proud of you for jumping in the pool even though you are still a little scared. That's what it's all about, taking risks to get results. Boy, you sure have had some results with technology this year haven't you? You could have just sat back and said, "I'm the guidance counselor, I don't need to get involved in this stuff" but you didn't! I'm so proud of you!!! <3 Melanie

John Calvert said...

Hi Betsy,

Welcome to the blogosphere! You have a wonderful knack for words. Blogging has always been a powerful way for me to reflect on my professional practice; I hope you find it to be as meaningful as I do. Full disclosure: it's been a while since I have blogged. I miss it, though, and have made it my resolution to back on the horse. Good luck with this new endeavor! I will be passing your blog to guidance councilors in my district to encourage there own practice of reflection.

Anonymous said...


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. What a catchy title - "Bits of Betsy". I am impressed.

Mrs. Snead said...

Way to go girl! You really jump into that icey, cold water? Makes me shiver just to think about it. I will look forward to reading up on what is going on with you.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bets! You 've motivated me to complete mine. I set it up months ago. Now its time to let the world see it.
Deb Stevens

KK Cherney said...

I am so proud of you.

Mrs. Lauren Skipper said...

I am adding you to my google reader! Congrats on starting a blog!

Toni Chant said...

Hey Bits, you rock! TLC

Michelle Ellis & Debby Cothern said...

You will soon learn when it comes to blogging to "just do it". Don't think too much about it. People who read the blog and know you will recognize your inner voice and will love it. The people who don't know you will get a glimpse of the wonderful, caring person you are.

Dorry Lopez said...

Yo Bets,
You write straight from the heart and that is called "voice". This is something that I am teaching my students as they prepare for FCAT Writes. I love how candid you are in your blog, and I am so proud of you for taking on the challenge. I just joined facebook, too, so I am in contact with high school friends, college friends, and adult life friends. It is addicting, so be careful! I loved reading your blog and could relate because I am older than you! All of the young kids get it(all this techy stuff), but that doesn't mean that we can't join them. Remember, we are Forever 21! That is my motto! We can hang with them and do this blogging and who knows what else!


Sherrie Rabe said...

You are something special. I so enjoyed reading your special words. You are one of a kind.
Love ya,

Jenny Nash said...

Welcome, Betsy! I love it already! The color scheme you chose is so perfect -- calm and relaxed, just like you. :) Looking forward to more soon (no pressure).

Anonymous said...

You and your words are beautiful! Welcome to the cyber super-highway!



Anonymous said...

Awesome Ms. McCall,
You are off to a great start. Welcome to blogging!
Love ya, Mrs. Lankford :)

Mrs. Metzger and Mrs. Morris said...

Your blog is beautiful! I'm surprised it's not pink, though. I look forward to reading what you write. You know I love you!

Melissa Ross said...

Bets -
I am so excited! You thought of a very cute blog name. I can't wait to read more of your baby steps (and see some pictures of those travels!)

Anonymous said...

WOO! WOO! I wanted to break out singing the "old" Helen Reddy tune--"She" Is Woman, Hear "Her" Roar! But, I thought the classic Peter, Paul & Mary--"She's" Leavin' on a Jet Plane--tune was more appropriate for the theme. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures. YOU GO GIRL--because I'm the "dust in your wind!" KM

Chascinc said...

You were my first friend at "the Creek" and will always have a special place in my heart. Welcome to cyberspace, don't forget to tether yourself!

Anonymous said...

You make it look so easy. Your words just flow, like the water. Way to go! I can't wait to read your blog to learn about what you are doing, and learning.